Our research is focused on elucidating the sequence-structure-function-intervention paradigm of the Estrogen Receptor (ER), a key driver of ER+ breast cancer.


We conduct cross-disciplinary studies on ER inner-workings and disease-driven function, especially regarding (1) ER phosphorylation and intrinsic disorder, (2) therapeutic targeting on the intrinsically disordered ER region to overcome anti-estrogen resistance, (3) allosteric cross-domain signaling, and (4) methodological development of integrative biophysics. Our research benefits from excellent resources and invaluable support to which we have access and close collaboration with laboratories here in Cleveland and other parts of the globe.


Recent News

Jun. 2024: We are invited to present our recent work “Phospho-ERα structure and function” at the Endocrine Society meeting (2024) in Boston, MA.

Feb. 2024: We are presenting new findings on intrinsic ERalpha disorder at the Biophysical Society annual meeting (2024) in Philadelphia, PA.

October 3, 2023: It is official - the American Cancer Society is funding our drug discovery project - just learned from a phone call from the ACS!

September 1, 2021: Our long-term R01 project has been renewed by NIGMS!

Apr. 1, 2021: Great news that our collaborative R01 got funded by NCI (via subcontract)!

Apr. 10, 2020: The JMB 2020 special issue on Integrative Biophysics is completed! Thanks to contributors all over the world!

Apr. 1, 2020: Our drug discovery project received a boost via the omnibus grant from the National Cancer Institute! It has been our first NCI grant. And we are grateful for the support of this high-risk ambitious project.

Feb. 1, 2020: We received an award from the Breast Cancer Alliance! The BCA is a private foundation that is committed to recognizing creative, unique and innovative research for breast cancer. We are grateful for the support of the BCA foundation and all our supporters!

Feb. 5, 2019: We are thrilled that our work on the ER disorder is featured in a commentary preview "Molecular Dissection of the Intrinsically Disordered Estrogen Receptor Alpha-NTD" by Manalastas and Svergun.


Jan. 9, 2019: Our work is featured in "Case Daily."

Nov. 2, 2018: Our work on ER biophysics is highlighted by the Argonne National Laboratory; see this article of Science Highlights: "This Boot was Made for Crosstalk".

October, 2018: The very first ensemble-structure of ER intrinsic disorder is published in the journal of Structure.

Oct. 10, 2018: Our discovery on the multidomain ER structure-function is reported in the press release: "New options for breast cancer drug development found in estrogen receptors".